Monday, May 20, 2024

 -Final Digital Notebook Submission- 

Sunday May 26th Evening 9pm

-dont forget to add the SLOA samples in the orange folder- 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Summer Draw Event 2024

 Summer Draw 2024 (

Start  June 10th- July 31st

Monday and Wednesday Evening 6-9pm

Wednesday Morning Drawing & Sketching

Summer Blog Link- Summer Meetings 

Monday, April 29, 2024

4pt and 5 Pt Perspective


Phils Sketch Example of 4 Point Perspective Views

4 Pt Perspective Downshot All
4 Pt Perspective Upshot All

4 Pt Perspective CU Upshot Horizontal Frame
4 Pt Perspective CU Upshot Vertical Frame
4Pt Perspective Down Shot Horizontal Frame
4 Pt Perspective Down Shot Vertical Frame

4Pt Perspective Extreme Down Shot Centered

4Pt Perspective Extreme Down Shot Right Side Dominant
4Pt Perspective Extreme Down Shot Left Side Dominant
4Pt Perspective Extreme Down Shot- Tilted  Left Side Dominant
4Pt Perspective Extreme Down Shot- Tilted Right Side Dominant

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Three Point Perspective

Topic 69. Three Point Perspective Basics

-There are 3 VP's, 2 on HL, and one going up or down.
-Be careful, the size of the subject matter, if too large, and the VP's are too close, we get a distorted fan effect feel of the subject matter
- There still is a one of vision in the middle between the 2 VP's on the HL, and if the 3rd VP is too close, objects will be distorted.


 Up shot (3rd VP too close)

Scale too large, 3rd VP too close


-Third VP too close,


Use the notes that we covered inside class. 
Look at the position of the HL, this is pivotal in creating your sketches correctly.
(Don't design in a square.)

 ( A.) Upshot- with Vanishing point outside of the picture plane (a couple frames away to prevent the fan/distortion effect) and a low horizon line inside the picture frame
THE VP's must be far away from the picture plane frame, with smaller subject matter!

    B.) Down shot- with Vanishing point outside the picture frame
(a couple frames away to prevent the fan/distortion effect) and a high horizon line inside the picture frame

THE VP's must be far away from the picture plane frame, with smaller subject matter!

Assignment #2 Draw three more by pushing the angle of view in three point Perspective

 C.) Upshot- with Vanishing point inside of the picture plane and the horizon line outside the picture frame

Here are some other examples..

 D.) Down Shot- with Vanishing point inside of the picture plane and the horizon line outside the picture frame

Here are some other shots that you can use for trace overs look at 
to determine where the 3rd vp is and where the HL is.

3 Pt Down Shot- HL up High & 3rd VP really low 

3 Pt Up Shot- HL in nPicture Plane & 3rd VP really high

3 Pt Up Shot- HL very low way out of  Frame & 3rd VP coming closer into the Frame

3 Pt Up Shot- HL very low way out of Frame  & 3rd VP inside the Frame

Good Example of C
Low Upshot- HL in frame and 3rd VP way off page, but you can still the convergence happening.

 Good Example of C
Low Upshot- HL in frame and 3rd VP way off page, but you can still the convergence happening.

Upshot- HL below, with the 3rd VP 1 frame above

Another Upshot- HL below, with the 3rd VP 1 frame above

Great example of D- Extreme downshift of buildings with 3rd VP inside the 
picture frame.

Another example of D.

3 pt down shot- HL is up out of frame and 3rd VP is 1 to 2 frames out of picture.

Art for you...